Gap-fill exercise

Write the correct modal verb in each sentence.

1. She be an actress, but I'm not sure.
2. Look at his car! He earn a lot of money.
3. Ted went to bed at three o'clock, so he be awake now. It's too early.
5. That be right; your argument seems perfectly logical.
6. Alan have seen it. He's blind.
7. Ruth: I think Ann's brother is in the army.
James: No, he be a soldier; he's only fifteen.
8. Fred: Mike's new flat is all electric - kitchen, heating, everything.
Peter: That cost a lot of money in electricity bills.
9. Stella: Guess what? I have won the lottery.
Linda: Are you joking?
10. Do you like Mika's music? I've heard that he win a prize.